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There are 48 Rotaract Clubs in R.I.D. 3450 covering Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia. The Rotaract Club of Kwai Chung is one of the Rotaract Clubs in Hong Kong.

Our club was chartered on 26 September 2002 under the nurture of our mother club, the Rotary Club of Kwai Chung. There were 26 charter members, who dedicated themselves to the big family of Rotary. As we experienced incredible growth and rose to prominence in the past 22 years, we now have 45 members who have been all either living, working, studying or graduated from Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung or Tsing Yi Districts in Hong Kong. This unique membership base explains why our members are more united and more ready to serve. Moreover, most of our services are tailored for Tsuen Kwan Tsing Districts as we have a better understanding and a stronger sense of belongings in the community where we have lived, worked or studied. Hence, each of our Rotaractors feels ready to serve and is grateful to our mother club for such an invaluable opportunity “To Serve, To Learn, To Lead” (the Rotaract Slogan) in our community

 Throughout the years, we have been serving on all four avenues of the Rotary with people from all over the world. With our passionate hearts committed to serve and our helpful hands ready to lend, we delivered countless outstanding service projects such as the China Service Project in GuangXi Province in 2007 and 2010 and Community Service Achievement Award for secondary school students of Tsuen Kwai Tsing Districts in Hong Kong. We took the lead in the organizationand implementation of many District Rotaract Service Projects, namely, “We Care We Smile”, “It’s Family It’s Harmony” , “Fulfill with Food and Love” and “HaRmonACtion” and have signed friendship club agreements with the Rotaract Club of Yung Ho in Taiwan and the Rotaract Club of Munting Pag-asa Davao in the Philippines. It was our honor to be recognised as the “Rotaract Club of the Year” in 2005-2006 and 2008-2009 under R.I.D. 3450. 

In the Rotaract Club of Kwai Chung, you will find strong fellowship, which is undeniably inherited from our mother club. Fellowship is the strongest motivation of our service, which is also the main reason why we enjoy every moment of our gatherings and services. This is our spirit. We will continue to extend beyond excellence in our “Fellowship through Service” (the Rotaract Motto).


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